
Emergency Back-Up Power

Unexpected power outages or failure on the grid level bring severe consequences in industry and commerce. Even grid fluctuations or short circuits can cause crucial electrical components to fail. Emergency power generators fueled by diesel are no longer feasible as backup power systems due to the rising fuel costs, noise pollution, and the impact on the emissions score. As the alternative, HIS Energy offers a safe and reliable source of emergency power with smart HIS-EMS and HISbatt energy storage solutions for industries and businesses.

With our intelligent EMS, any power supply failure from the grid is immediately compensated. The BESS disconnects the load from the grid so that your crucial machines do not experience any interruption. When every second counts, the rapid response capability of lithium batteries enables immediate provision of power.

Do you want to use BESS as a decentralized battery storage for critical loads or secure the complete energy supply for your business? Fill out the details for your project on our quick survey and get a reliable quotation!


Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) for microgrids are especially beneficial for projects such as construction sites and new apartment complexes where the utility grid connection has yet to be upgraded. Additionally, with increased integration of renewables, EV chargers, and decentralized energy production, BESS can support weak grids to ensure a reliable local power supply in the event of disruptions to the utility grid

Emergency backup power is available for critical loads, peak shaving can be performed for businesses as well as support EV chargers. Find out more about all the applications for HISbatt.

Tarification basée sur les prévisions

Many grid operators or Distribution Network Operators (DNO’s) limit the maximum PV feed-in power for most residential as well as commercial and industrial PV systems. Consequently, when the PV system produces surplus energy, it must be curtailed and the efficiency of the PV systems as well as their ROI plummets. In such cases, PV system operators can use forecast-based battery charging to generate higher PV yields and utilize the energy produced from PV systems efficiently even during low production hours.

The intelligent HIS Energy Management System calculates the optimal charging and discharging strategy based on past load profiles, PV production profile, weather forecast, battery capacity and battery SoC.

As an example, the HIS EMS recognizes that there are critical loads and peak shaving that occurs during early hours of the day. The battery discharges during these hours and the excess PV energy during the day is used to charge the batteries. The batteries are then discharged, as required, during the evening and night for critical loads, EV charging, or other uses. In this manner, the PV systems operate at maximum efficiency and produce the most energy. The BESS provides peak shaving, reduces consumption from the grid, as well as provides Time of Use applications!

Durée d'utilisation

Use HISbatt battery storage solutions to reduce your grid consumption and costs. The battery storage is charged during off-peak hours i.e. when electricity tariffs are low (or even negative). On the other side, as the electricity costs rise i.e. peak tariff, the battery storage discharges to minimize the consumption from the grid. This provides users a reliable and predictable energy source as well as faster amortization of investments.

With HIS Energy Management System, you can go a step further and choose non-critical loads in our HIS Flow Portal. These non-critical loads are switched off or limited during peak tariff. For example, companies can limit on-site EV charging when electricity costs are too high. Instead, the EVs are charged during low tariff periods or through on-site PV generation. A decision tree is defined and management strategies are computed based on user defined time series. Find out more about the possibilities with HIS Energy Management System.

Load and Source Control

Get an overview of all connected sources and loads with the smart and intelligent HIS Energy Management System. The EMS allows you to control the operation of your energy generators through relays or digital switching contacts. You can also disconnect or connect loads in your energy network directly via the HIS Energy Flow portal.

Based on the expected load profile, expected production from industrial PV, energy tariffs and grid connection, you can define a strategy to limit the loads in your energy network. As an example, you can choose to limit energy flow to EV chargers at your facility during peak tariffs or choose to charge EVs only when surplus energy from PV is available. Alternatively, you can support EV charging infrastructure on-site, BESS charged during off-peak tariffs or with surplus PV energy.

For both sources and loads, you can also set a tolerance time. If the load or source behavior is not within the acceptable thresholds, the digital contacts are triggered and the loads are disconnected.

Are you interested in decreasing your energy costs using Plug & Play energy storage solutions tailored for your business?

Utilisez notre formulaire rapide de 5 minutes pour obtenir un devis détaillé ou prenez contact avec nous. Notre solution modulaire s’adapte parfaitement à votre projet et offre un large éventail d’applications.

Battery Storage

Get the most from your battery storage

Li-Ion BESS is multi-purpose and generates multiple streams of revenue. Get the most out of your battery storage system for peak shaving by using it to:

L'écrêtement des pointes

Réduisez les pointes de charge pour votre entreprise commerciale ou industrielle grâce à des systèmes fiables de stockage d’énergie par batterie.

Stockez l’énergie excédentaire de vos panneaux solaires pour augmenter l’autoconsommation photovoltaïque et réduire la dépendance vis-à-vis du réseau coûteux grâce à un système de stockage d’énergie efficace.

Maximisez les revenus de votre infrastructure de recharge rapide pour VE en intégrant des solutions de stockage d’énergie intelligentes.

Assurez une alimentation électrique fiable et sans interruption pour vos charges sensibles critiques grâce à notre solution BESS robuste pour les systèmes de gestion de l’énergie.

Utilisez notre système intelligent EMS de pointe pour optimiser la consommation d’énergie en chargeant pendant les heures creuses.

Maximisez le retour sur investissement en combinant plusieurs applications, telles que l’autoconsommation photovoltaïque, l’écrêtement des pointes et la facturation basée sur les prévisions.

Produits apparentés

Intéressé par l’écrêtement des pics et plus encore pour votre entreprise ? Consultez nos solutions de
batteries Plug-and-Play avec des batteries refroidies par air et par liquide.

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Get in touch with our experts through this contact form. If you already have a project in mind, fill out your details for an official quote and book a meeting with our team ASAP!